Discover everything about your body


Learn everything about your body's hips through this article, here you can discover your body's primary muscle that helps reduce pain, promote weight loss, improve strength training and increase energy when relaxed!

In this article we will talk about the muscle in your body that you are not aware of, and if it is not kept in good condition it can affect our well-being.

Many common health problems are caused by this muscle not being stretched enough.

What is it??

Our hips are the engine by which we move our bodies, they control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, walk, everything passes through the hips.

That's why it's always good to do physical activity or even a specific stretch for our hips.

With these stretches you will avoid many pains in your body and even some illnesses.

What diseases can be caused in the hip?

If you don't know better, not stretching your hips can cause some illnesses in your body.

Our hips can cause the famous lumbar disc herniation disease.

That's why it's always recommended to do physical exercises or stretches so that you don't let your lower back attract illnesses over time.

Hip osteoarthritis is a major concern, resulting from wear and tear of the cartilage in the joint, leading to severe pain and limited movement.

Additionally, trochanteric bursitis can also occur, causing inflammation of the synovial sacs around the hip, resulting in sharp pain and difficulty walking or standing for long periods.

Another common problem is developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborn children, characterized by poor formation of the joint that can lead to permanent structural and functional problems if not diagnosed early.

It is essential to be aware of the symptoms of any possible hip problem and seek specialized medical care for an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

Physical exercises on the hips:

The best exercise is simply a matter of static stretching for a period of time to lengthen the muscle.

Mobility exercise targeting the joint and we make movements to function optimally.

Stretching the fascia that surrounds the muscles and we work to loosen and lengthen the fascia.

Muscle activation movement for those who work sitting and use technology daily is essential for our muscles to be working in the right way.


Through this article I started to perform some of the exercises mentioned above to improve my muscle pain that I had and didn't know was due to my hip. “. (Maria Silva)

I was a person who always had a lot of pain in my body, I always took some medication, but even so the pain didn't go away, but after I read this article and started doing the stretches and physical exercises they were essential to make my pain go away.“. (Paulo Ribeiro)

Thanks to the article, my pain went away after I started doing the physical exercises mentioned above to help my hip pain go away. “. (Cleide Lopes)

Now it's up to you: So that you no longer have pain, start performing physical exercises or stretching mentioned in this article above.